This is my second web page

Made using the beginner tutorial: HTML Dog

See my professional projects ideas, personal project ideas, and priorities

Gonads and strife--WWWEEEE!!!

What this is

A simple page put together using HTML

Why this is

To learn HTML

some professional project ideas

personal project ideas
the most important shit tbh
  1. wifey, mom, dad, brother
  2. my mental and physical health
  3. finances and homemaking
  4. close relationships and friends
  5. direct action and solidarity type efforts
  6. funsies
4 pointed shuriken
name/title/category column 2, but the first with actual data column 3
Row 2, but the first with actual data data 1 data 2
Row 3 data 3 data 4
Row 4 data 5 data 6

Some random form

Note: It looks the part, but won't do a damned thing.

Favorite word:

Record the song of your people:

Are you:



ultra-super-mega gay!

lame and straight

Please give us your secret porn password so we can blackmail you :3

Leave checked if you're too lazy to tell ust not to sell your data to google and/or the NSA

Testing a select statement:

Do not pess this! The page will break!!!